How to Build a Physical Security Program
Security Customers around the country have every right to be questioning their security providers and their security program with all the news recently about how the industry is performing. With the spotlight firmly on the industry, particularly in Victoria, due to the Hotel Quarantine Program, Security Customers everywhere need to be aware that the practices outlined there are systemic throughout the industry and many clients will be victim to the same unacceptable level of service seen in the many media reports on that project.
Why is the Security Industry underperforming in so many areas? Here’s a quick rundown.
- Security Providers (particularly the larger ones) often have sales teams quoting security programs rather than Risk Managers or Security Experts. This means that their focus is on making a deal rather than solving their client’s problems.
- Security Providers (particularly the large ones) often take more work than they can manage, so they subcontract the work to smaller firms. This may work where there is strong integrity in all parts of the process however, it often leads to a loss of management and quality control, and sometimes supports the underpayment of staff. Whilst all the security staff of a project may wear the same uniform, there can be vast differences in the working conditions amongst the team.
- Security Providers often offer rates that will not support a comprehensive security program. They do this to win the contract and will make excuses down the track for their failures (if customers even notice).
- Security Providers often rely on the least experienced and qualified staff to deliver their programs. Whilst new industry entrants can certainly thrive under supervision and mentoring, without the dedication and a balance of experience this will leave clients with an inferior product.
So what should the procurement of Security Services look like to ensure that clients reduce their risk, increase their compliance and achieve this at an appropriate price?
- Security Customers should seek a Security Risk Assessment prior to engaging with providers. An independent Security Consultant should drive your security needs and provide thorough risk report outlining current gaps and how to fill them. The relatively small additional cost here could provide a huge return on investment over the life of a contract in proficiency and cost.
- Security Customers should then use that report to assess providers for their suitability to deliver the risk mitigation strategies outlined. Sourcing providers dedicated to the services required will often provide better quality than a company that dabbles in multiple areas.
- Security Customers should question prospective providers about their recruitment process, internal training and upskilling programs, supervision ratios, sub-contracting strategies and account management systems.
- Security Customers should understand that whilst security is a department that costs money without making it, it can be an essential service and the cost of this service cannot be delivered effectively when the prices are driven down.
Empire Protection is not a security manpower provider. As a Registered Australian Veteran Owned Business, the company specialises in creating, structuring and modelling security programs. We can assist clients with their security program by auditing current contracts, service delivery standards and operating procedures to ensure that clients are receiving value for money. Our experts can create effective security programs and assist clients with the tendering process to ensure that appropriate providers are selected. Our consulting teams can ensure that your company is not responsible for sham contracting and the illegal hiring and paying of staff. We are dedicated to the improvement of the industry for customers and employees alike, and through customer education and provider accountability, we can drive better return on investment for clients in the security market. A consultation will be a small price to pay for the peace of mind of having an expert review your security program, and in many cases, our reviews have saved Security Customers money over the life of their contract.
For more information on our services, explore our website or contact one of our friendly management team today –
Phone: 1800 008 004
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